MIGHT AS WELL THROW A PARTY, 2 POSTS WITHIN 2 WEEKS- AREN'T YOU LUCKY?! 🎉🎉 Anyway, thought I'd tell yall about me week...
No one's keen on Mondays. I don't mind them. I do mind early mornings. And long days. This Monday was one of them... I started my day at home in Tamworth, then popped to work in Manchester (I work in recruitment when I'm not at uni, so travel about quite a bit). Oh and after that, I ran for a train or 2, and ended up in Glasgow... Busy busy busy!
Bit of an ordinary day really at work really, UNTIL I HAD ROOM SERVICE FOR THE FIRST TIME! WEYYYY

Should just add, that although Glasgow's one of my fav cities, I was there for work purposes, and don't get time to roam around exploring BOO! Had a good day though, met some lovely people through work. And I did get to fly home, on one of those small planes, through turbulance and a storm #notokay
Wednesday I drove back over to uni, to take my work down from last week, found out it had already been taking down, and was being used for moderation, and I couldn't take it home. Didn't waste my time though, did a bit of photoshop and sketchbook work.
Oh and the entire hand brake system in my car packed in.. YAY
All I did on Thursday was sketchbook work, been as I didn't have a car to go out like... But luckily my dad's a mechanic, so by tea time it was fixed! And by 9 I was back in good old Debados, lying in bed binge watching shitty TV... BACK TO UNI LIFE
At several points this week I thought my day couldn't get any worse... (when my hand brake broke, being stuck in traffic thinking I was gonna miss my flight, when my brand new sat nav wouldn't turn on (the battery was dead lol)). But Friday tops it all. I was convinced I was going to specialise in Print. But my lectures reckon I'd be good in Knit. I was given the weekend to decide. It's now Sunday. I still don't know...
Anyway, to help me decide, I went on a night out in Notts- obviously...
Naturally, Saturday was spent less hungover than originally anticipated, yet still watching all the TV I'm behind on.
Oh, and re-watching Sherlock...
And today, well we had a little family outing to Matlock. Not been before, but it's so cute! My fav part was my chip butty, where Claudia cried over the thought of going the zoo because she was so excited. I'm so glad I've got such a good bunch of friends at uni #blessed
SO there you go... my week. Back at uni, having no idea what I'm specialising in, and being eternally grateful that I don't have lectures on a Monday morning anymore!
Bethan Rose x
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