Mom. 👪
My moms my rock. She's me bezzie mate. She's the one I can ring in a panic. In a strop. She's the one who picked me up from uni in my first year whenever I had a wobble and wanted to go home for the reason. She's the one who's only worked part time since me and my brother were born, to make sure she could give us as much attention and time as she could (though personally I think she just likes the 4 day weekend now we're older!). She's the one who picked me up the first time on got drunk, drunk, and put me to bed after I puked and bust my nose head butting a toilet (not my proudest moment, but we've all been there...). The list could go on. She's my everything, and I honestly couldn't be without her! No words can describe how much she means to me, I love her so much!
Nan. 👴
3 kids. 9 grandkids. 5 great-grandkids. Nan. Or Nanny Mo- depends who you ask! She's my other bezzie! Whenever I ring her she's always up for a chat- whether it be a moan about the weather, the neighbours, her knees, or just to tell me who's dies that week in the local paper (crude but the deaths page is the first thing she checks!). She looked after us when we were little if mom and dad were at work, and they were many of summer-holiday days me, Tom (my bro) and our cousin Jord played pretend in her back garden out of the endless scraps of carpet and bits and bobs out of the shed... Not to forget 'the goody box'- an age old tradition on the Hopkins side of the family, a big box of chocolates and 'crap' to send all the kids hyper! Still exists to this day... think it's the only reason Tom visits!
Grandma. 👼
I loved my grandma. I still do. But sadly it's always the best ones who died to soon... we used to spend school holidays with her and my grandad, playing trivial pursue, or making things. Every visit entailed a glass of vim to in my Alice and wonderland mug and a pack of salt and vinegar crisps. Every sleep over brown toast and grapes for breakfast. Every Christmas- multi-coloured lights, chocolate baubles and cards taped down the back of the doors. Things you take for granted at the time, but remember for years. My whole family always encouraged me to go down the creative route, for as long as I can remember, but there was a felt pen portrait I did one Christmas that my gran displayed in the living room until the day she died. It was terrible! But she loved it, and I loved her for it!
Aunties. Who aren't Aunties. 👭👭👭
I know? Sounds weird? But my parents group of mates, they're like mothers to me- even if we do call them Auntie. Nikki and Karena have been a permanent fixture in my life for as long as I can remember. I see nikki most weekends when I'm at home- her daughters one of my best mates and her husbands a bit like a father-figure. Although I don't see Karena very often, I know if I'd rang her up now saying I was bankrupt and on the run from the police, she'd pick me up, feed me wine and cheese and hide me in her shed... not in a weird way. And then there's Hiedi, the flapjack making queen! And both Deb and Julie have gave me a job at one point or another! I'm so lucky to have such a good group of gals around me, I know not many people have a support network like I have- even if it does involve a large amount of wine! I'm honestly so grateful!
I know this is all very soppy, but my point is, it doesn't matter whether the strong women in your life are moms, nans, grandma's, aunties, friends, or no relation at all- the point is they're strong women in our life. They support us. They support each other. They make us smile when we're down. They feed us when we're hungry. And they donate wine and cake when you play the 'I'm a poor student until my loan comes through' card! And we need to let them know we appreciate that a bit more often!💪💖
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A cheeky photo from our Mother's day out to Lichfield!
PS- I bloody love my dad too, don't get me wrong, but he cant wait his turn and hang on til fathers day!👨