University Work

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

What's New With You?

SO, we all know I'm not good at this blog thing- it's never up to date... But this week I'm feeling like giving it another go, and trying to aim to make my blog a bit more regular. So in my first attempt to do this, here's a cheeky view on what's new with me!

I've been on holiday! (Although it seems like an age ago now...) Waaayyyyy back in June, I took a cheeky 10 day trip to Gran Canaria, for my cousin Jord's 21st birthday! Naturally this all-inclusive extraviganza led to lots of eating, drinking and late nights- oh, and a bangin' tan! Our hotel was lovely, and overlooked the coast, and even boasted a roof-top bar and pool! We saw in Jord's birthday celebrating some religous fesival (no idea what it was called...) which was fab- and involved fireworks and running into the see at midnight! But my fav part of the holiday has to be parasailing! It's something I've always wanted to do but have never had the bollocks too, but after a chat with my Auntie Linda it was a go ahead! AND IT WAS AMAZING!

Having been back in the ocuntry a mere 24 hours, I was then reunited with my partner in crime, Claudia. Having broke up from uni at the beginning of May, I hadn't seen her for a month or so, so naturally we were excited to see each other! We were off to London again, this time to see New Designers! We spent a good 3 hours wondering around the exhibition, admiring all the fab graduate work, and wondering how the hell I'm going to cope with the work load over the next year! I gathered hundreds (and I mean hundreds...) of business cards, and spoke to ever knit student I could find!

After the exhibiton, we went off to be general tourists. we started at Buckingham Palace, where Claudia cried at the sight of the Queen leaving... We then drifted between Trafalga Square, Houses of Paliment, and Covent Garden, before ending up at my fav place, Camden Market, to meet Em for a bev and food! TOP DAY!

I've also been learning to ride a horse! I did it for a while when I was younger, but stopped because I had one summer when I was little where my hayfever was horrific... But our Livs got a beaut, and I've even got to trotting with her! Which is an achievement cos she doesnt like many people... (both Liv and the horse)

It was also Liv's prom! I can't believe how much she's grown up! I took her for a cheeky Spoons, because that's how all good nights start, to get her hair done, and then waded through the crowds to get photos of her getting out of Grandad Rog's car!

Oh and also, I'm having a nightmare- I'M NOW IN MY 20s! I had a fab weekend to celebrate, with the best of people! But as I'm not sure how I feel about being 20... well, I'll have to keep you informed!

So here's to many more bevs, a final year at uni, and whatever the next year of being 20 leads too!

Bethan Rose x

Saturday, 24 June 2017

More than family..

I've been lucky throughout my life you know. I've had loads of family around me growing up. Some of them blood relatives, some of them hand picked and adopted. I suppose those ones are 'friends' really...

But I've been lucky enough to have a blood relative, my cousin- Jordan, who truly fits into both the family category, and the best friends one!

And today, she's 21! Chances are, she won't see this, but in case she does, I just want to say thank you!

Thank you for being my cousin. My best friend. My first ever best friend. Thank you for being my role model. Walking to school with me when I was a year 7 not knowing where I was going. Thank you for the memories. The holidays. The nights messing about at the social club when we were little.
Have a fab day gal, you deserve it!

Bethan Rose x

Sunday, 18 June 2017

My Main Man

SHIT DAUGHTER ALERT! I'm on holiday and not in the country for fathers day! My Dad was gutted- right up until I presented him with a 4 pack of Red Stripe and a beer bucket WITH BOTTLE OPENERS ON THE SIDES! OMG! Anyway, he's a lil' dedication to my main guy...


I wouldn't say I'm a major Daddies girl, but if I were you I wouldn't get between me and my dad. Or offend or upset me in any way. He will threaten you. I've seen him do it... Like most girls, I think my Dad is the best. But that's because its true. He had the patience to teach me to drive, even though i was a bit shit when I first started... He taught me to ride a bike. He takes me to and from work. He shares his bevs. He fixes my car, even though we both think it's kind of a bit of a dead loss.. Basically, he's an all round ledge!


I was never lucky enough to know my Grandad off of my Mom's side. There was a bit of a family fued between him and the rest of the Hoppos, and he died when I was very young.

Grandad Pez however, was my No.1. He was Welsh and barely left the house without wearing some form of garish printed/Hawaiian style shirt. I thought they were a bit cringey at the time, but looking back they were what made him him. Never without a beer in his hand, my Grandad used to play for hours with us in the garden when we were younger. His veggie patch was the best I've ever seen, even though he used to get annoyed when we'd eat the pea pods straight off of the plant! Although he's been dead for more than my life he was alive, he is still by far one of my favourite humans!


I've got 6 Uncles. Mick, Chris, John n Dave. Non of them enjoy a photo, so unfortunately you're not getting a piccy... I'm on holiday with Mick at the minute. As much as I love the guy, he winds me up so much! Just like Mick, John is also my God Father! He's crackin'- apart from after a few bevvies when the singing starts... I don't see much of the other 2 anymore... Chris lived with us for a bit, but now he lives back in Liverpool. And Dave? Yeah, Dave lives in Hong Kong. Only see him one every few years, when he comes baring me new Make-up brushes! Although I don't see them all that much, I know they've still got my backs!

My Main Men

Ok, so not all of these I'd class a father figures. But my Dad's best mate Gaz, he's been my Dad No.2 for years... And Uncle Paul, Laz and Uncle Jase, I know they've definatley got my back. As for Chico, well, hedć have my back if anyone ever dared to get near him- normally the volume of him deafens people before they get too close! I love them all dearly, and I'm so lucky to have such a great/big extended family! I wouldn't swap 'em for the World!

I know not everyone is as lucky as me to have such a good bond with their dad as I do, or even to have as big of a group of 'geezers' supporting them, but these guys- they mean the world. I definitely couldn't wish for a better dad!

Bethan Rose x

Friday, 9 June 2017

There's never enough knit...

So, what else have I been up to since finishing second year? Lounging around all day watching Come Dine with Me? Chilling with friends? Sleeping away the never ending exhaustion of student life?

No- I've been getting a little bit of work experience!

Janie Knitted Textiles is a small knit company based in Welbeck, Nottinghamshire.And a few weeks ago I spent a few days over a few weeks working alongside them! 

Ran by the brilliant Jane Whithers and Micheal Hanmer, they specialise in making stunning interior products, including the most fabulous knitted lampshades. They also have a gorgeous range of cushions, bags, hot water bottles, and many more- but the lampshades are by far my favourite!

We even got to have a go at making one of our own!

In just four days, I learnt so much about what it takes to run a small business- from trade shows to product promotion, from the small 'boring' jobs that make the business run, to the final packaging and delivering of a product. I'm honestly so grateful for the time I got to spend with them! And still oh so jealous of their fab lampshades!!

Bethan Rose x

Thursday, 8 June 2017

London's Calling...

London is one of my favourite cities. It's home to my first proper job. It's where I've been to concerts, museums and art galleries. I've got friends who live there. Friends who study there. It's a great city, where I've made many great memories! And so this week, I was glad to be returning for another sneaky exhibition trip!

The Balenciaga exhibition at the V&A was where we were heading! First of all it was so nice to be reunited with some of my uni gals after over a month, and whilst coach breakdowns and road closures lead to a five and a half hour travel down from Derby, it was good to have a good catch up!

Once we finally arrived in London, the V&A was the main port of call! I have to admit- it is my all time favourite gallery/museum! But we were there mainly to see the Balenciaga exhibition!

I have to admit, I didn't think I knew who Balenciaga was, but it turns out I do! Once I'd seen some of his stunning fashion pieces, I knew exactly who he is! And it turns out he was a very talented designer!

After the exhibiton, we had a wonder around the rest of the museum.. I won't bore you with the "inspiration I gathered for uni", so instead here's an amusing photo of me n Claud with a very large statue with a very small you-know-what!

A 4 hour coach journey home and a Chinese finished off a fab day!

Before I go, I just want to mention the 2nd terror in 2 weeks, hitting London Bridge on Saturday. My thoughts go out to all those involved, all those who's lives have been changed by the events. I stand by what I said last week. Terrorism is a selfish act, one of which we shouldn't be fearful off. We must stand together, as a Nation. Never let them win.

Bethan Rose x

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

An sneaky peak at an interesting week...

SO with second year over and my lil' work experience stint over, what would I do with my little life? After a drive home in quite possibly THE worst storm the A38 has ever seen, I was back in T-Town (Tamworth LOL) ready to start my Summer!

And here's a sneaky peak at the last week!


Summers great- I love it! And it means I get to travel to all kinds of exciting cities around the UK through work, starting with an old fav- LEEDS. Due to my own decisions, this was only a flying visit- as in I got of the train, found my hotel and had a very very long power shower. But the was ok, because what a view my MASSIVE bed had!


Monday I was at work- the main and only reason I was in Leeds... It was your average day within the work of admin, a good day even. Everything ran smoothly, I was in a good mood... Thought I'd treat myself to a Starbucks at the train station. And then in the walk from Starbucks to the Platform, my water bottle decided to release a tidal wave in my bag... SHITEMARE!! But at least I'd had some beauts views on the way to work that morning...


Another average day at work. I mean average... I was only working half a day and yet still managed to do nothing with the other half. Did read a few mags on the train though, to compensate for the lack of headphones due to the previous days tsunami....


Wednesday I popped back over to uni, to drop some flowers in to Janie- the lovely lass who gave me a bit of work experience. Also to pick up some of my stuff, been as I've got to move out soon... Despite having a lovely lunch with Megs, I completely forgot to take a picture of the beauts nachos we ate in the sun, so here's a pic of a surprising empty bowling green...


Thursday was supposed to be a quiet day, spent enjoying the one week of British summer. That didn't happen- turns out my bezzie mate and flat mate for the past 2 years, Joe, has blagged himself a placement, just 5 minutes from my house! He popped in for a drink after his interview, and I've never seen him so happy! He moves down in about a month, and I have to say I'm quite excited about him living around the corner! I didn't get a pic, so here's a cheeky throwback to the first ever selfie we had!


Friday I was back at work, in Manchester. Something I haven't yet mentioned was the terrific terror attack the occurred on Monday at an Ariana Grande concern. With 22 dead and many more injured, it was an attack that shook the nation- not just because of the selfish and unjustifiable act of terror, but because the attack was aimed at a concert. A concert who's performer appeals greatly to children and young people...

As terrible as it was, I almost didn't believe it happened. It's my way of dealing with incidents like this- if I know its real, or think about it too much, I let it worry me... And that's what terrorists want us to do. They want us as a nation to be fearful. They want us to avoid cities, public places, concerts... But that's what we shouldn't do!

And this week I have been proud to be British- taxi drivers gave free lifts home to concert go-ers, people who have never donated began donating blood, shops and business' donated food for Nurses and Doctors... The British public also raised over 300,000 pounds for a homeless man, who helped the injured and dying after the attack.

But what I found the most touching was the Visual, in Manchester city centre. I'd seen it on the news, however that is nothing compared to overwhelming amount of flowers, cards, flowers and balloons which could be found there. It really does highlight how much people care, and how even a city branded as 'Broken' by the incident, could pull together and stand against such a cowardly attack...

I wish I could have stayed longer than I did, to observe all of the heartfelt messages and flowers, however I was on my way to work, and I decided due to my lack of possession of waterproof mascara, panda eyes where not appropriate...


Saturday was quite a chilled day, spent in the pub drinking wine in a beer garden with my family to celebrate my Aunties birthday! Unfortunately the weather wasn't as nice as the rest of the week, but thanks to a massive umbrella we were still able to have a laugh!


This was the day I'd been looking for- you CANNOT beat a bank holiday Sunday night out! And we were of to a foam party! I'd never been to one before, but I loved it! Was a proper laugh, and really nice to get the gang back together! (Well most of them!)

SO there you go- my week!

Bethan Perry x

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Second year sadness!!

Do you ever sit down and think 'where has the past 2 years gone?'? Because as I'm sat here, with a cheese and onion crisp sandwich and a can of Lilt drunk Beth brought me last night, binge watching Come Done with Me from the very beginning (who new there had been over 20 series??), I am. I'm wondering where the last 2 years have gone. Because yesterday, I finished my second year of being a Textiles Design Student at UoD. I know, I still can't believe it either!

But yeah, hand in was at 10am yesterday, of which I handed in my Competition work, as well as my new sports-wear inspired interior-knit collection- The Urban Exterior! I've really enjoyed this project, and really having the opportunity to explore the technique of Intarzia. Here's a cheeky pic or 2 of my display board and collection!

So hand in done, and after a rather scary meeting about third year work, we did what we do best- WENT OUT AND CELEBRATED! Starting off in Spoons...

After a cheeky drink or 2, we headed to Turtle Bay for food and cocktails! It was so nice to get the majority of the course together for a bit of a celebration! Good to have a good chat!

After a fab meal, we headed off to a few other bars (and back to spoons...) for a few more bevvies!

And THEN, after a cheeky power nap and sandwich, we headed out to the only student night in Derby worth mentioning- Walkabout Wednesdays!! I used to go every week, but due to a timetable change and swapping my days at work, I hadn't been in a while, so it was nice to get back!

Oh and stop off for a kebab or a burger on the way home!

And now? Well now I'm sat watching Come Dine With Me, wondering what I'm going to do for my third year project, and scaring myself by thinking that this time next year, I'll have finished uni all together!!

Bethan Rose x

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Mom's the word!

And yes, I do say mom. Or occasionally mam if I've been hanging round my Northern mates to much. Mom. Mam. Mum. Mother. Whatever you call her, today's a day to celebrate ya' birth giver! But not everyone's got a mom. Some people's moms have sadly died. Some have fell out with them. Some people don't know who there mom is. Personally, being lucky enough to have a fab relationship with my mom, i use today to celebrate and thank her for everything she does for me n my bro. But in all honesty, it doesn't matter which mother figure in your life you're celebrating! Here's my top gals! πŸ’

Mom. πŸ‘ͺ

My moms my rock. She's me bezzie mate. She's the one I can ring in a panic. In a strop. She's the one who picked me up from uni in my first year whenever I had a wobble and wanted to go home for the reason. She's the one who's only worked part time since me and my brother were born, to make sure she could give us as much attention and time as she could (though personally I think she just likes the 4 day weekend now we're older!). She's the one who picked me up the first time on got drunk, drunk, and put me to bed after I puked and bust my nose head butting a toilet (not my proudest moment, but we've all been there...). The list could go on. She's my everything, and I honestly couldn't be without her! No words can describe how much she means to me, I love her so much!

Nan. πŸ‘΄

3 kids. 9 grandkids. 5 great-grandkids. Nan. Or Nanny Mo- depends who you ask! She's my other bezzie! Whenever I ring her she's always up for a chat- whether it be a moan about the weather, the neighbours, her knees, or just to tell me who's dies that week in the local paper (crude but the deaths page is the first thing she checks!). She looked after us when we were little if mom and dad were at work, and they were many of summer-holiday days me, Tom (my bro) and our cousin Jord played pretend in her back garden out of the endless scraps of carpet and bits and bobs out of the shed... Not to forget 'the goody box'- an age old tradition on the Hopkins side of the family, a big box of chocolates and 'crap' to send all the kids hyper! Still exists to this day... think it's the only reason Tom visits!

Grandma. πŸ‘Ό

I loved my grandma. I still do. But sadly it's always the best ones who died to soon... we used to spend school holidays with her and my grandad, playing trivial pursue, or making things. Every visit entailed a glass of vim to in my Alice and wonderland mug and a pack of salt and vinegar crisps. Every sleep over brown toast and grapes for breakfast. Every Christmas- multi-coloured lights, chocolate baubles and cards taped down the back of the doors. Things you take for granted at the time, but remember for years. My whole family always encouraged me to go down the creative route, for as long as I can remember, but there was a felt pen portrait I did one Christmas that my gran displayed in the living room until the day she died. It was terrible! But she loved it, and I loved her for it!

Aunties. Who aren't Aunties. πŸ‘­πŸ‘­πŸ‘­

I know? Sounds weird? But my parents group of mates, they're like mothers to me- even if we do call them Auntie. Nikki and Karena have been a permanent fixture in my life for as long as I can remember. I see nikki most weekends when I'm at home- her daughters one of my best mates and her husbands a bit like a father-figure. Although I don't see Karena very often, I know if I'd rang her up now saying I was bankrupt and on the run from the police, she'd pick me up, feed me wine and cheese and hide me in her shed... not in a weird way. And then there's Hiedi, the flapjack making queen! And both Deb and Julie have gave me a job at one point or another! I'm so lucky to have such a good group of gals around me, I know not many people have a support network like I have- even if it does involve a large amount of wine! I'm honestly so grateful!

I know this is all very soppy, but my point is, it doesn't matter whether the strong women in your life are moms, nans, grandma's, aunties, friends, or no relation at all- the point is they're strong women in our life. They support us. They support each other. They make us smile when we're down. They feed us when we're hungry. And they donate wine and cake when you play the 'I'm a poor student until my loan comes through' card! And we need to let them know we appreciate that a bit more often!πŸ’ͺπŸ’–

A cheeky photo from our Mother's day out to Lichfield!

Bethan Rose x

PS- I bloody love my dad too, don't get me wrong, but he cant wait his turn and hang on til fathers day!πŸ‘¨