I LOVE being at home! Don't get me wrong, my brother annoys the hell out of me, and Mom worries about me a tad too much about me when I'm on a night out, but I love being at home!
I love the home cooked meals, the fact that the house is always warm, and that if I fancy a custard cream, there's some in the biscuit box down stairs, and I haven't got to walk to Salisbury's Local, to then have to compromise with a Bourbon because they haven't got any Custard Cream's left- and even the its like 3 pound a packet!
I love the social aspect of it too- my Nan lives 5 minutes round the corner, most of my Aunties and Uncle's live within walking distance, and all of my friends are home for summer as well. And I also get to see Liv, Fin and Dyl, my brothers from another mother! (and sister..)
Oh, and Thumper, appropriately nicknamed "Dump" (I think you could work out why...), my lil house rabbit
Despite all of this, I can't explain my level of excitement this morning when I realised that ITS ONLY ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL I MOVE BACK TO DERBY!
I can't wait to be reunited with the girls off my course! This time last year I thought I had it all- a good job, a car, a good friend circle- In fact I was in some delusional world where I thought I would keep in touch with EVERYONE I ever met at Sixth Form, and we'd be friends forever.
In truth, what I have learnt over the last year, is that I have more acquaintances than friends. Some of the people I used to spend everyday with, I now only see once every few months... But there are a few who I've stayed in touch with.
It is true what people say though- you do meet friends for life at Uni. And although we've spoke, texted, Skyped or Snapchatted nearly every day since we've been off, I can't wait to see them all face to face!
I'm excited to get back into the routine of WALKABOUT WEDNESDAY- out little traditional night out! Though this year I think I need to tone down the going out- 2/3 times a week isn't sustainable of a student budget- not on top of the Nandos, kebabs and midnight Maccies trips!
And the stupid photos!
I'm excited to see our new Textiles Studio! And get back into knitting (even though I hated it last year!), and weaving and printing and drawing and essay writing. OK, maybe not essay writing but still... I just want to get back into Textiles- I've enjoyed our little summer project but I want to get out of a sketchbook and into something a little more textural!
(This is Sean- the ONLY lad on our course! (had to get a pic of him in somewhere))
BUT MOST OF ALL, I'm looking forward to moving back in with some of the best friends you could ask for! We may have argued countless times, and fought over whose turn it was to wash up, but those negatives are outweighed by the film nights, the times we've just sat around drinking instead of writing important essays, and our pathetic attempt at a flat party- which resulted in 4/5 of us being drunk before the few people who bothered to turn up came... I had a great year, and because of our unorganized lifestyle, we left it too late to get a house for this year, so we're staying in halls again- meaning we can o it all again! Unfortunately, Lauren, who lived with us last year won't be coming back to live with us, cos' she's chosen to commute this year. She has agreed to pop round every so often, with the promise of the odd Nug Nug, for old times sake!
I have to admit, when I started writing this blog, I was going to talk about all the new sketchbook work I've done, not focus on the memories of last year. But then I suppose it still shows, THAT I CANT WAIT TO GET BACK TO UNI!!
Bethan Rose x